Articles by...
The SubUrban Mom...
A Mother's Perspective
FROM "U" UNIVERSITY- CULTIVATING AND CREATING INNOVATIVE EDUCATIONAL PLATFORMS FOR BABIES 0-4 YEARS OLD At From “U” University, we believe in supporting parents of gifted children, and inspiring all parents to get involved in their children’s education early on. Register with us today for free and gain access to free resources (including developmental charts and checklists), and downloadable learning content to help make the parental teaching journey easier and more attainable. Bad or Gifted? Do you know?!...Signs of giftedness can be seen as early as infancy...
Most people that have experienced the company of gifted children and have felt these emotions don't typically mean "bad" in the worst meaning of the word, but more like "undesirable", or "hard to cope with." Don't believe us, well let's review some of the tendencies of gifted infants. Before we continue I want to disclose that in no way am I saying giftedness is bad. Only that others can perceive certain behaviors as "undesirable" or "hard to cope with"- If we're being honest, most of us have done it, seen a child behaving a certain way and say to ourselves "Not me." or "I would never let my child do that." Moving on... When it's all said and done if you or someone you know has a baby with said characteristics you may have a better understanding as to why, as well as, how to better approach them. Additionally, there are many signs and characteristics of giftedness that occur in infants. However, for the purposes of this article, we will be focusing on the following few.
Good thing is, nowadays the term "bad" can also mean "good", for there is absolutely nothing "bad" about having a gifted little one! Sure, it is demanding! Especially, if they are expressing signs early on as a newborn or infant. Trust me, I know. The biggest difference is knowing vs. not knowing, which is why I felt the unction to write this article. Some of the most important things we can do when caring for and raising a gifted little, is to gain an understanding, pay close attention to their developmental milestones (write them down), and find different support outlets where you can share your experiences and gain from other parents sharing theirs. In summation, if you or someone you know has a newborn or infant that is displaying some of the characteristics listed above, consider downloading and reviewing the various developmental phases and milestones, and familiarize yourself with them. Also, take notes about your little one's progress. A list briefly describing each accomplishment accompanied by their age (in months) will do. It is also important to have an understanding of the many additional signs and characteristics of giftedness that were not listed here. For more information on giftedness in infants and toddlers please see some of our previous articles and/or register with From "U" University for additional resources. To gain access to free developmental checklists, resources, and content register today! It's quick and easy. Simply use the "Register" button in the upper right-hand of the menu. Then visit the Resources page! Need a break from your demanding little one?
We've got you covered! Our customized DVDs incorporate your voice & family photos into the learning content Keeping your little one's full attention!
Though articles are a new feature here at From "U" University, we are happy to say we will be running a short series, informally titled A Mother's Perspective. The articles will, of course, be based on early education & development, and our author's experiences, knowledge, and philosophies gained from her journey of teaching 2 gifted children from birth. The articles will focus on ages 0-3 years, and highlight cognitive learning milestones, parent teaching tips & tricks, teaching philosophies, learning resources, and more.